M a r t a   H o w e l l   I n c.
4901 W Paseo Don Carlos
Tucson, AZ 85757
Tel: (808) 741-1740
Email: jewelry@martahowell.com

S a l e s  R e p :  K a r e n   W a r n e s
PO Box 83, Albion, NY 14411
Tel: (808) 729-6200 Email: Karen.Warnes@martahowell.com

S h o w s                                              

Pueblo Gem and Mineral Show from January 27th - February 8th 2022

Tucson, AZ, Riverpark Inn, 
777 W Cushing St. 
Court Pavillion, Booths 121 & 134

Because everyone deserves a little piece of summer
— Marta Howell

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